Casablanca - Bertie Higgins



I fell in love with you 我坠入了爱河

  Watching Casablanca 与你一起看《卡萨 布兰卡 》时

  Back row of the drive-in show 在 露天汽车 剧院后排

  In the flickering light 摇曳的亮光中

  Pop-corn and cokes 可乐与爆米花

  Beneath the stars 在星空下

  Became champagne and caviar 仿佛香槟和鱼子酱

  Making love 爱意情长

  On the long hot summer's night 漫长炎热的夏夜里

  I thought you fell in love with me 我以为你也爱上了我🌿🌿🌿🌷

热度 ( 22 )

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